Feedback Audit Results 2019/20

We would like to thank you for taking the time to complete our Quality Assurance Feedback form over December 2019/ January 2020. This information affords us the opportunity to provide the best possible care to our clients and allows us to implement improvements on an on-going basis ensuring we are taking on board your views, wants and needs of all our clients, always ensuring each package of care is person centered.

We sent feedback forms  to all of our clients; their families and health professionals and we had an excellent response which we are very grateful for.The feedback form was based on Care Quality Commission’s regulatory framework which sets out five ‘domains’ of assessment which are as follows: safe; effective; caring; responsive to people’s needs; and well-led.

Overall we found that the majority of our clients, their family members and the healthcare professionals that we work with are happy with the service that we provide.

We would like to say a big ‘thank you’, to all of our clients for your kind words and constructive feedback. As always, please feel welcome to contact us at any time with further feedback. We are always evolving and learning new ways to deliver a high standard of care which we hope reflects in our performance as care givers.

If you would like to know our findings please find a brief summary for each of the CQC’s Key Lines of Enquiry and what we will do to improve on each section.

Please note that certain questions within the survey were not relevant to all of our clients. Where the question was not relevant or the respondent answered ‘not applicable’ we have calculated the percentages accordingly.

Our Quality Assurance Survey for December 2019/ January 2020 has given us an average ‘Always’ response of 94.7% from those surveyed. We are extremely happy with this result and will endeavor to continue providing the highest level of live in care to our clients.


We were very happy to see that we had no negative feedback throughout our audit and that our percentages were only ever between ‘Always’ and ‘Sometimes’. As an agency we strive to deliver the highest quality live in care to our clients and that all stems from being ‘Well led’.

From the results in this section we can see that the majority of our clients feel that we are well led but that sometimes we could communicate better, ensuring that we inform clients of the changes we make to care plans or new protocols that we put in place. Due to the results of this section we are looking into implementing a ‘Clients monthly newsletter’ to ensure that all of our clients are informed of what new protocols are put in place and to explain items such as the Electronic Care Plan system, ECP system. 

We feel that implementing this will assist our clients and NOK’s to understand the sector better and give advice on items such as funding.

You can download a full copy of the Feedback Audit Results for 2019/2020 by clicking on the button.

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